Spot The Space Station
Spot The Space Station
Watch the Space Station fly overhead this Easter…
Did you know that you can see the Space Station fly overhead with the naked eye? This amazing feat of modern technology & engineering is visible all you need to know is when and where to look. From Saturday 4th April 2015, the Space Station will be crossing the skies of the UK once again.
NASA make this really easy for you to view, if you sign up with them, they will even send you an email on the day it is due to pass overhead, from which direction and for how long it will be visible.
The NASA website “Spot The Station” allows you to put in your nearest city, and brings up the forthcoming sighting opportunities. If you complete your email address here, they will send you an email to inform you of when the Space Station will be overhead approximately 12 hours in advance of it travelling across the skies.
There is currently a NASA experiment to see the effects of living in Space on the human body. One identical twin scientist/astronaut joined the Space Station last weekend, and will live there for 12 months. His identical brother will remain on earth! It is going to be fascinating to find out the true effects. NASA already know that the twin in space is likely to be taller and have fewer wrinkles than his earth based brother after the year in Space! So it certainly doesn’t sound all bad!!
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